Thursday 22 January 2015

Sophie - Updated Personal Goals and Priorities

Sophie here..

I am undergoing a period of personal growth.. exploring new ideas and mindsets.  Continuing to work on improving my chronic migraines,  improving fitness, and  pulling my life together in a whole new way.

I've redrawn my personal goals and am posting them here.


·         Organised
·         Self-Aware
·         Currently have Time
·         Focused
·         Honest
·         Motivated
·         Care for
o   Myself
o   My family
o   My friends
o   My home
o   My work
o   My community
·         Stubborn
·         Methodical
·         Logical
·         I have Support
o   Steve
o   Jennie
o   Mum
o   Friends



GOAL:  Decrease Headaches
·         Stress Management (meditation, mindfulness, CBT)
·         Acupuncture (weekly)
·         Monitor Activity levels to reduce flare

GOAL:  Increase activity 5% every 2 weeks
·         monitor all activity with runkeeper & fitbit
·         Investigate Heart Rate Monitor for Flare management
·         Commit to daily exercise
Every  week,  review data and headache flares

GOAL:  Lose weight and Increase fitness
·         develop weekly meal plans inc. breakfast and lunch
·         Log food, exercise and body measurements in MFP and runkeeper
·         Develop daily exercise plan including walking, pilates and weight training

GOAL:  Stop Smoking
·         choose time to stop
·         re-read alan carr method book


GOAL:  Connect with  Friends
·         Arrange catch-up with a friend at least once a month
GOAL:  Return to Work
·         Consider booking session/s with Julie / Leanne for Careers Counselling
·         Identify concerns / barriers
·         Consider what type of work
·         Consider how much is reasonable to start with
·         Re-work resume
·         Apply for jobs


GOAL:  Make Time for  Doing the Things  and Projects I Love
·         Crochet
·         Painting (art)
·         Furniture Restoration
·         Reading
·         Maintain and improve Calibre Library
·         Baking
·         Sewing
·         Painting/ Home Improvement
·         Garden projects



GOAL:  Identify Individual Needs, Wants, Areas for Improvement
·         Attend Individual Counselling with Priya (weekly)
·         Work out what my interests, strengths, priorities, hopes for my future are
·         Continue reading, e.g. anger book, books on self-discovery,  etc  to find what I really want and how I can improve myself as a person
·         Continue to take time for self-reflection
·         Talk with and Listen to friends - multiple perspectives are helpful and can help keep things real

GOAL:  Identify the Positives, strengths and problem areas within the marriage
·         Attend Individual Counselling with Priya (weekly)
·         Recognise the problems that are not mine to fix
·         Identify my role in problem areas and develop strategies to change my own approach
·         Utilise a strengths-based approach to find solutions
·         Continue to take time for self-reflection
·         Talk with and Listen to friends - multiple perspectives are helpful and can help keep things real


GOAL:  Date Nights
Set aside regular time as a couple.  

I would like that time to be a bit "special" not just random tv watching.   To get dressed up and cook a special dinner,  go out for dinner or a movie, Not a huge effort but bit out of the everyday. 

GOAL:  Nights out with other couples
Make an effort to arrange to spend adult time with our friends.  
·         double date with Doug and Jen, 
·         dinner with Alexius and Jeff,  
·         going out with a group of grown ups (jacksons, sonya, Gael and Evan..)
·         hosting  dinner parties    



GOAL:  Spend More Time Having Fun With the Kids
·         Ask kids what fun things they would like to do:
o   Individually
o   with me
o   with Steve
o   as a family

·         Make a commitment to do the things the kids ask for  - set aside time in the calendar and work to achieve them
GOAL:  Family Fitness
·         Prioritise Fitness within the family.   
·         It is NOT OK to spend all day on the computer.  
·         Negotiate appropriate boundaries for different activities
·         Facilitate exposing the kids to different types of physical activity.

GOAL:  Kids will assist with maintaining the home
·         Kids will have age appropriate chores
·         Kids will contribute to meal planning, and meal preparation
·         I will work with each kid to build their organisational and time management skills   (e.g. teach Thomas to use the google calendar system, star charts for Charlie)
·         Expectations and consequences will be negotiated 


GOAL:  Hedwacks Days/Nights
·         Review frequency of Hedwacks Activities and use of google calendar with Hedwacks
·         Develop a list of activities that Hedwacks would like to see this year

GOAL: Spend more time with grandparents
·         Review frequency of days spent with Midge and Robert.  
·         Consider activities we could do with them
·         Think about how often the kids speak with Libby and Frank  - can we encourage the kids to call/email/write/skype more frequently?
·         Is there a way we can budget to get Sophie/ kids /whole family to Cairns more frequently?



GOAL:  Return the house to a reasonable standard of cleanliness
·         Work through each room,
o   deep cleaning
o    decluttering
o   reorganising
·         Develop daily routines to do basic day to day cleaning to maintain home
·         Utilise a system, that is accessible to the family so if I am unwell, others can step in and take up the tasks I have not been able to complete
·         Communicate with family what work is not yet completed on a given day, and what I expect them to be doing. 

GOAL:  Negotiate areas of responsibility / chore lists for all family members. 
·         Develop daily chore list, and allocate tasks
·         Agree on consequences for non-completion of tasks
·         Agree on how tasks should be re-allocated in the event of illness/absence/clash of commitments

GOAL:  Get involved in the finances
·         Get access to bank accounts and up to speed with  where mortages are at
·         Get a handle on current expenses and spending
·         Develop budget
o    identify areas to reduce costs
o   prioritise repayment of debts
o   prioritise and plan savings for things we want
·         Review Long term financial plan, including investment strategy, superannuation, future education costs for the children etc.
·         Develop a plan to save for  known potential costs  (e.g.  replacement of cars,  stoves, dishwashers, rental property maintenance etc.)


GOAL:  Develop a priority list for home improvements
·         List all things we would like to do around the home - open imaginations and dream!  - don't consider the cost or how at this stage. 
·         Prioritise List of Dreams in terms of importance, and cost…  What big ticket items do we want to save for in what order?? 
o    big garden landscaping project?
o   skylights?
o   replace tiles with floorboards? 
o   custom build desks, and storage in the office?  
·         Factor saving (even tiny amounts) for big ticket items, and smaller projects into family budget
·         Create list of small tasks with less financial impact (e.g. painting a room,  a section of garden etc.)  and prioritise. 

GOAL:  Plan and implement small projects
·         Take small home improvements list and allocate tasks (e.g. Steve fix kids towel rail, Sophie paint the reading room etc.)
·         Negotiate time frames for work to be undertaken, taking into account workloads, budget etc.

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